Note : Before making a decision about choosing a baby name and their meanings found on this website, please verify the accuracy of baby names and their meanings with the knowledgeable individuals or the Imam at your local Masjid. 2023 Muslim baby boy names starting with s Shahzad, Prince, muslim boy name Siddiq, Righteous, muslim boy name Shahnaaz, Pride of a king, muslim boy name. This popular collection of Modern Bengali Boy names beginning with S will help you to fina a perfect name for your newborn. Meaning: Luck, Good Fortune, Origin: Arabic Sa'eed Saeed Name Meaning. Popular Bengali Boy names beginning with S Selecting a suitable name for a child has always been a special task for every parent.

In Muslim the meaning of the name Sa'diyya is: Luck.

Meaning: Luck, Good Fortune, Origin: Arabic Sa'diyya The name Sa'diyya is a Muslim baby name. Islamic (Quranic) Boy Names Starting With S - 204 Names for Muslims Last Updated: J5:43 pm GMT 6288 Baby Names 13458 Questions Answered 783 Quranic Roots 21284 Total Articles All information on our website is based on our own original research in Arabic, Persian and English-language scholarly references. In Muslim the meaning of the name Sa'diah is: Luck. Muslim Names for Baby Boy Starting with Sh Shaheen, Royal, white falcon Shaheer, Eminent Famous Popular Shahid, Witness, Martyr, One from whom nothing is. Note : Before making a decision about choosing a baby name and their meanings found on this website, please verify the accuracy of baby names and their meanings with the knowledgeable individuals or the Imam at your local Masjid.The all-hearing, He who hear every thing, Names: Abdus Samee Sa'diah The name Sa'diah is a Muslim baby name. IN THIS ARTICLE Top 100 baby boy names that start with S Popular baby boy names by letter.

Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr. Popular Muslim Boy Baby Names starting with S. If you are searching for Muslim Boys Names Starting with S. Watch popular content from the following creators: Arshi (aarshi.

True, sincere, faithful, veracious, a man of his word.Įarth, moon, a spring which flows constantly. Discover short videos related to muslim boys names beginning with s on TikTok. One who patienly and stoically edures al hardships and diffichlties, title of Ayyoob(peace be upon him). Precedent, one who comes first in a race,Name of a Sahabi (RA) who was the servant of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The first in a race, Name of a Sahabi (RA) who was the servant of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).