We don't doubt that Qihoo 360 could have improved its behavior since then, particularly since AV-Test's 2017 review of 360 Total Security was favorable.

As a result, these three reviewers revoked the certificates they had previously awarded the company's products. They claimed that the company sent them products to review which behaved markedly different than those which were later sold or marketed to end-users. In 2016, AV-Comparatives, AV-Test, and Virus Bulletin released a joint statement accusing Qihoo 360 of inappropriate business practices. And there are reasons to doubt the developer's sincerity. As such, users simply have to take the Beijing-based provider at their word.

The meaning of "adequate" is entirely subjective. We do, however, ensure an adequate data protection level by agreements with our data base provider and other arrangements." These countries may not have equivalent data protection laws to those applicable in the European Union. " Some information we collect may be transferred to other countries, such as to our own servers or servers of our database providers in Singapore, and the United States and accessed from China by us and our external IT services providers. For example, according to the company's privacy policy : We should also mention that Qihoo 360 raises some eyebrows when it comes to privacy, and not in a good way.